Hotel Ca' Fontanea - Venezia

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1 recensione su Hotel Ca' Fontanea

Is the "Fawlty Towers" in Venice?
A bad experience at hotel Ca Fontanea in Venice.
We were a party of five, of which 2 retirees, whom at the start of May intended to spend 2 nights at this hotel. When we arrived the older members of the party were unable to enter their room because of a problem with the lock, which broke. The reception was not manned, but we did have a phone number to contact. Instead being offered another room, we spent 5-6 hours in hard chairs in the reception while someone called by the hotel tried unsuccessfully to fix the lock. We were eventually taken to another hotel at around 02:30 AM, and got our original room the day after. When we approached management for a refund we were told that the lock problem was our own fault, because we were retirees and weren't competent to use the lock correctly! The hotel staff thought we should have paid for the door to be repaired. Much to our dismay, we had to pay for both rooms that night.

We have traveled extensively, but have never met this attitude before. When there are always more customers, discrimination of senior citizens is probably seen as acceptable.

Likely, the problems were caused by lacking maintenance of the hotel. Wear and tear takes place over time and eventually leads to failure if no maintenance is done. It's not the last person to use a system before it breaks fault that it broke. The hotel seems unprofessional and unethical in its view of guests and especially in its view of senior citizens, like in the Fawlty Towers. They may as well have advertised "seniors not wanted", but then they have to find another excuse for the lack of maintenance.
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Dove si trova Hotel Ca' Fontanea?

Hotel Ca' Fontanea si trova in Cannaregio, 786 - 30121 Venezia (VE).
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Come posso contattare al telefono Hotel Ca' Fontanea?

Puoi contattare Hotel Ca' Fontanea al numero di telefono 041 716648.
Per tutti gli altri contatti visita Hotel Ca' Fontanea su Misterimprese.

Quali sono le recensioni per Hotel Ca' Fontanea?

Hotel Ca' Fontanea ha una valutazione di 1 / 5 su Misterimprese. Lascia qui una recensione per Hotel Ca' Fontanea