Caffè Sanmicheli - Verona

Caffè Sanmicheli

Via Carducci Giosue', 63
Verona (VR)
045 8030536
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1 recensione su Caffè Sanmicheli

Been there few times to get lunch. It looks like is a married couple that manage the bar. He is very nice, friendly, kind and goes out of his way to help out customer; she on the other hand doesn't smile, is rude and even if she sees you waiting at the counter she will do anything in her power to ignore you. I asked her few times the same things and she managed to not do it. Maybe if she is not happy she can stay at home? Or take a customer service skills class? There are tons of young people out there looking for a job! Beside her bad attitude, food is very good. I highly suggest to talk to him. I will not go back there, too bad because they have a great potential. ... Leggi di più

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Dove si trova Caffè Sanmicheli?

Caffè Sanmicheli si trova in Via Carducci Giosue', 63 - 37129 Verona (VR).
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Come posso contattare al telefono Caffè Sanmicheli?

Puoi contattare Caffè Sanmicheli al numero di telefono 045 8030536.

Quali sono le recensioni per Caffè Sanmicheli?

Caffè Sanmicheli ha una valutazione di 2 / 5 su Misterimprese. Lascia qui una recensione per Caffè Sanmicheli